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Photo of the day: The famous U-Bein bridge in Myanmar

April 4, 2016
U bein bridge myanmar

Built more than 150 years ago, U-Bein bridge is considered to be the oldest and longest teak wood bridge in the world. For tourists, the bridge is just a spectacular photo opportunity, but for the monks and local people it’s an important part of their daily life. Being so old and getting an enormous amount of traffic, it’s amazing is still standing. Although, it feels a bit wobbly at times.

The boats full with tourists line up to face the sunset, trying to get the best position.

I had to use the tripod for this shot, so taking a boat was not an option. Instead, i took my shoes off and walked through the sticky mud until I found the perfect spot.

Don’t miss a trip to Amarapura to see this one of a kind bridge, less than half an hour drive from Mandalay. Go earlier in the afternoon and visit the nearby villages for a genuine Myanmar experience.

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